Do you remember Pavlov? He is the guy who realized that he could condition dogs to drool by merely ringing a bell. The had been conditioned to link the ringing of the bell with food. In NLP we call what Pavlov did anchoring.
Anchoring plays a large part in our lives. There is a particular song that I associate with a particular young lady whom I was very fond of in college. Though we went our ways many (many, many) years ago, and though I am very happily married to another), when that song comes on the radio, I remember this old flame, a special slow dance, a first kiss. That sound makes me feel good. It brings back of flood of positive memories and good feelings. This song is an anchor to good feelings. NLP gives you the chance to create your own anchors and to create them in other people as well.
What kind of positive influence would you have with others if they associate feeling good with you! How would that change your relationships with them? Or, how much influence might be lost if they associate bad feelings with you? The success of your speech, sales presentation, or even go out on a date proposal, depends on what kinds of feelings people associate with you. NLP allows you to have some conscious control over impacting people’s feelings which they associate with you.
So how does anchoring work?
Someone has an intense emotional experience and at some point during that experience a specific stimulus is applied creating a neurological link between that stimulus and emotion. I know of one lady whose husband had died. During the funeral, in her moment of intense grief, people would touch her arm to offer condolences. Weeks later, this lady only had to be touched on the arm and all those intense feeling of grief would come flooding back.
A stimuli can be anything: a touch, a facial expression, a tone of voice, the tapping of a pencil, the thumping on a podium, a particular gesture while speaking. The most important thing is that the stimulus be used at a at a certain point of the experience and that it be suitably unique when there is strong emotional stimulation so the two get associated with each other.
Let’s suppose you are struggling with issues of self confidence. This is not unusual, now is it. How might we use NLP to create a anchor to help you improve your levels of confidence?
First, think of a time when you felt totally confident. It doesn’t matter what the occasion, what matters is the feeling. Think of that time now.
Second, as you relieve the memory, make it bigger in your mind. Make the positive sounds seem louder. Makes the colors seem richer and brighter. Build up the positive thoughts and feelings you associate with the memory.
Third, as the memory reached a crescendo, clinch your fist tightly.
Fourth, repeat this step several times. Each time try to building the memory higher and higher so that the feeling you experience are richer, more powerful, and filled with intense positive emotions. Each time, at the high point in the exercise, clinch your fist tightly.
Fifth, clear your mind of the memory. Focus on something else, virtually anything will do. Then, clinch your fist tightly. If you have properly anchored your intense confident emotion to the clnching of your first. You should begin to light up those positive feelings of self confidence. Consider how useful in might be to fire off this confidence anchor at times when you feel a bit unsure of yourself. .
You can also do this to other people. The same principles apply.
The more intense the experience, the more unique the anchor, and the more times it is repeated, the great the level of effectiveness the anchor will produce.
This article covers the very basics of anchoring a good practitioner course will give you many powerful anchoring techniques and applications from training to playing poker.
As mentioned near the beginning of the article imagine anchoring everyone around you to positive feelings. How about being able to anchor your boss to good feelings? Would this make a difference to your career? You bet it would.
If you could anchor yourself to states of extreme confidence power and motivation that you could then fire off at any time you wanted what would be different about your life? Imagine being able to do the same to the people around you. Would this increase you power as a business leader or manager? How about doing it to your children as a parent? The possibilities are immense.
Gain Self-Confidence Fast with NLP: Effective Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques That Will Boost Your Self-Esteem Radically For Successful Life (Positive Psychology Coaching Series) (Volume 1)
by: Ian Tuhovsky publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, published: 2014-02-11 ASIN: 1499242085 EAN: 9781499242089 sales rank: 1117584 price: $4.59 (new), $8.27 (used) |
Do you lack self-confidence to accomplish things in your life you would really like to?-Are you afraid of quitting boring job and finding a new, better one or maybe starting your own business? -Afraid of socializing and meeting new, fascinating and positive people? -Afraid of finally packing your suitcase and going to that Euro-trip you promised yourself decades ago? -Afraid of approaching that beautiful girl sitting on a park bench next to you or accepting a date from that handsome devil you’ve met lately? -Not feeling worthy enough to ask for a promotion? A sad fact widely known – because of social conditioning and many other factors – most people on this planet are.I know how it feels, I was in the same place exactly. And then I found the way! It’s high time you did something about it too, because truth be told- self confident people just have it way easier in every aspect of life! Now, let me show you few simple and effective Neuro-Linguistic Programming tools that will help you overcome shyness and boost your natural self-confidence level permanently. In This Book I’ll Show You:-Basic tools tailor-made for the beginning of your adventure with Neuro-Linguistic Programming… -How to stick to your NLP routine and your personal change plan… -How to minimalize annoying social factors lessening your self-esteem… -The right mindset you should have and how to act to maintain high level of self-confidence and keep growing… -And many, many more! Table of Contents:
Start acting now. Set the beginning of change ! |