
Archive for the self coaching Category

What Does A Person Need To Be Happy

What Does A Person Need To Be Happy (Richard Bandler Video) RICHARD BANDLER, co-creator and developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is arguably the world’s most influential contributor to the field of self-development and applied psychology for the first time brings these extraordinary techniques to everyday people, showing anyone how to completely change his/her life and enjoy […]


Asking The Right Kinds Of Questions

In a previous blog post, I wrote about the importance of “Asking Empowering Questions.”  I wrote about the topic in reference to personal development – self-coaching, if you will. Questions are also important in the leadership process of influencing people.  If you are a salesperson, manager, corporate executive, public speaker – basically anyone who finds […]


Asking Empowering Questions

Asking Empowering Question Have you ever noticed that the best essays, articles, speeches, counseling sessions, etc. usually begin with a well-formed question? The human brain to conditioned to answer questions. Questions draw people in and engage the mind. If used properly, they can make a tremendous different in the quality of our lives and those […]


Is It Possible To Reprogram Your Brain With NLP?

 Is it possible to reprogram you brain with NLP? Can reprogramming the brain change our behavior? In our last blog post, we explored a brief history of NLP (neuro linguistic programming).  NLP started as a research product conducted by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the 1960s and 1970’s under the direction of  social scientist, […]


Just What Is NLP?

Brief History Of NLP Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) began as the work of John Grinder and Richard Bandler during research done at the University of California, Santa Cruz, during the 1960’s and 1970’s.  Working under the direction of social scientist, anthropologists, and linguists. The aim of the research was to study the methods of the world’s […]


Review: The Book of Afformations…

I have a rather extensive collection of personal development resources from some of the biggest names in the field.  Many of them have proven to be quite helpful.  Right now, I have to put Noah St. John’s book at the top of that list. The bread and butter of most development resources involves changing our […]